Page 14 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 5 : E-book
P. 14

Mechanical Counting Devices

                    After early counting devices, mechanical counting                     Think and Discuss
                    devices were made. The limitations of the human              How has the invention of mechanical

                    body’s ten fi ngers and ten toes apparently caused           counting devices made calculations
                    early man to construct a tool to help him with               easier and faster?


                    Abacus was the fi rst calculating machine invented in China to count large numbers.

                    It was a wooden rack holding two horizontal wires with beads strung on them. The
                    position of the beads was changed to enter a number. Simple calculations like addition,
                    subtraction, multiplication and division were performed using an Abacus.

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                      Abacus was the fi rst calculating device used to add and subtract numbers. It was developed in
                      3000 BCE in China. It was also called a counting frame.

                    Napier’s Bones

                    In 1614, John Napier invented a calculating device called Napier’s Bones. This device is a
                    set of rectangular rods marked with numbers. It was meant for simple calculations such

                    as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of numbers. Later, it was improved
                    to fi nd the square root of numbers.

                    Electromechanical Counting Devices


                    Blaise Pascal  invented the fi rst mechanical calculator in
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                    1642. It was named  Pascaline. It had a box with eight
                                                                                                Pascaline was the fi rst
                    movable wheels called dials. The numbers for calculations
                                                                                                gear-driven calculator.
                    were entered with dials. It could add, subtract, divide and

                    multiply numbers as big as thousands.

                    Leibniz Calculator

                    Mathematician  Gottfried Leibniz  built a calculator in 1671 that could add, subtract,

                    multiply and divide numbers. It could also fi nd square roots.

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