Page 7 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 5 : E-book
P. 7

Suggested Learning   Resources  Computers/IWB with   presentation software  Projector  Computers/IWB with   Scratch software  Projector  Computers/IWB with   presentation software

                           •    •                •    •                 •        erent

                       Suggested Transactional Processes Recapitulation of previous learning Demonstrating the procedure of using    erent  Demonstrating applying diff   ects Providing hands-on experience in  groups/individually to children in using    ects various formatting eff Explaining the concept of program and   Hands-on activity in groups/individually  to children to get acquainted with Scratch  and basic commands like Motion, Pen and  Providing opportunities by using computers  to develop creativity and imagination   Organising active di

                           •   •   templates  •   formatting eff  •   •   programming  •   Sound blocks  •   among children  •   •   •   •   •   •   key concepts
                       Learning Outcomes  Express the topic   attractively using diff  Enhance the presentation   by applying formatting   effects and inserting   Explain the concept of  program and programming.  Work on Scratch interface.  Handle basic commands.  Develop logical thinking.  Identify the ways to connect   to the Internet services.   erent Internet   Follow netiquette while   communicating online.

                           •    templates.  •      objects.  •   •   •   •   •   Use diff  •   services.  •

                       Key Concepts  Enhancing the look of a presentation Changing colour scheme, background   Inserting different objects like Clipart,   Brief introduction of Scratch software Use of basic commands in Scratch  Ways to connect to the Internet Netiquette while communicating online

                           Inbuilt templates  colour  Specifying alignments     WordArt and Shapes  Program programming

                           •   •   •   •   •     •   •   •              •   •

                       Theme  Presentation   Software:    ects Special Eff  An Introduction   to Scratch   Programming  Services

                           4.                    5.                     6.  nternet   I
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