Page 55 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 5 : E-book
P. 55

2.  Header and footer can include  _____________ or graphics such as _____________,
                             date and _____________.
                         3.  Superscripts are the letters or digits that are _____________.

                         4.  The default margins are set at 1" from _____________ and 1" from _____________.

                         5.  Portrait is the default _____________.

                    D.  Answer the following questions.
                         1.  How will you change the page margins?
                         2.  What is the diff erence between line break, column break and page break?
                         3.  What is the column button? When do we use it?

                         4.  When do we insert column break?

                         5.  What is indent? How can we use this feature of word processor?
                     Building Values and Life Skills

                     Your friend is having diffi  culty in typing the formula of carbon dioxide (CO ) in Word document.
                     How will you help him?

                             You do it for him.                You teach him to use the feature of Subscript.

                     Testing Knowledge

                     You have copied the formatting and applied to the entire document using Format Painter.
                     Can you restore the previous formatting? How? Which keyboard shortcut key will you use to
                     restore the previous formatting?

                     Linking Knowledge

                     Geography: Create a Word document on ’Indian States and Their Capitals’. Use the formatting
                     features wherever applicable.

                                 Lab Fun

                     Type a page on the topic ‘Photosynthesis’ in Word document and follow the given instructions.
                       1.  Use the feature of Subscript and Superscript to write the chemical reactions and formula.
                       2.  Insert Header and Footer (Header – Photosynthesis, Footer – Your name).
                       3.  Apply shadow eff ect to the topic name.

                       4.  Change the default margins. You may take the values as per your choice.
                       5.  Make this document in Landscape orientation on A3 size paper.

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