Page 105 - ICSE Math 5
P. 105

Applications of Decimals in Real Life Situations

                    Decimals are used when we talk about money, length, weight, etc.

                     •  We use notes and coins while dealing with money.
                          1 rupee = 100 paise or 1 paisa =       rupee = ` 0.01
                     •  We use metre, centimetre and kilometre to measure length and distance. We know that
                          the standard unit of length is metre.
                                                    1                                                1
                          1 m = 100 cm or 1 cm =        m = 0.01 m  1 km = 1,000 m or 1 m =              km = 0.001 km
                                                   100                                             1000
                     •  We use kilograms to measure heavy objects and grams for measuring lighter objects.
                          1 kg = 1,000 g or 1 g =       kg = 0.001 kg
                    Word Problems on Addition and Subtraction of Decimals

                    Let’s solve the given word problems on addition and subtraction of decimals.
                    Example 11: Radhika  had  ` 6,400 with her. She spent  ` 2,461.25,  `  585.25 and  `  636.50
                                  respectively on three consecutive days. How much money was she left with?

                    Solution:     Total money Radhika had = ` 6,400                                   Calculation
                                  Money spent on first day = ` 2,461.25                           1   1  1  1    1
                                                                                                  2461 . 25
                                  Money spent on second day = ` 585.25
                                                                                                     585 . 25
                                  Money spent on third day = ` 636.50                          +     636 . 50

                                   Total money spent by Radhika                                  3683 . 00
                                  = ` (2,461.25 + 585.25 + 636.50) = ` 3683.00                            13 9
                                                                                                       5  3  10  10
                                  Money left with Radhika                                              6400
                                  = ` (6,400 – 3,683) = ` 2,717                                    – 3683
                                  So, the money left with Radhika was ` 2,717.
                    Example 12:  Sunaina travelled 18 km 343 m by bus, 4 km 15 m by auto and finally walked 208 m
                                  to reach her friend’s home. What is the total distance travelled by her?
                    Solution:     Distance travelled by Sunaina by bus = 18 km 343 m
                                               = 18 km +        km = 18.343 km                        1           1
                                                          1000                                        18 . 343
                                  Distance travelled by Sunaina by auto = 4 km 15 m                      4 . 015
                                                          15                                       +     0 . 208
                                               = 4 km +        km = 4.015 km
                                                        1000                                          22 . 566
                                  Distance travelled by Sunaina on foot = 208 m
                                              =        km = 0.208 km                              Top Tip
                                   Total distance travelled by Sunaina                      While solving word
                                                                                         problems, make sure all the
                                  = (18.343 + 4.015 + 0.208) km = 22.566 km               quantities in the question
                                  So, Sunaina travelled 22.566 km or 22 km 566 m.           are in the same unit.

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