Page 102 - ICSE Math 5
P. 102

For example, 0.29, 1.1 and 21.349 are unlike decimals as the number of digits after the decimal
                    point are not equal.
                    Converting Unlike Decimals to Like Decimals

                    Example 6:  Convert 6.04, 19.217, 30.58 and 716.0028 to like decimals.
                    Solution:     In the given numbers, the maximum number of digits in the decimal part is 4. So,
                                  we need 4 digits in the decimal part of each decimal number to make them like
                                  6.04 = 6.0400, 19.217 = 19.2170, 30.58 = 30.5800

                                  So, 6.0400, 19.2170, 30.5800 and 716.0028 are like decimal numbers.
                    Comparing and Ordering Decimals

                    To compare two or more decimal numbers, we follow the given steps.
                     •  Convert unlike decimals to like decimals.
                     •  Compare the whole or integral part of the decimal numbers. The decimal number with the
                          greater whole number is greater.

                     •  If the whole or integral part is the same, then compare the tenths digit of the decimal part.
                          The decimal number with greater tenths digit is greater.
                     •  If the whole or integral part and the tenths digit of the decimal part are the same, then
                          compare the hundredths digits.

                     •  If the whole or integral part, the tenths and the hundredths digit of the decimal part are the
                          same, then compare the thousandths digit.

                    Example 7:  Compare the given decimals.
                                  (a)  0.62 and 0.643    (b)  0.194 and 0.198

                    Solution:     (a)  0.62 and 0.643
                                       Convert 0.62 to like decimals.

                                       0.62 = 0.620
                                         Since the digits at the tenths place of both the decimal numbers are the same,
                                       we compare the digits at the hundredths place.

                                       Since 2 hundredths < 4 hundredths, so 0.620 < 0.643.
                                  (b)  0.194 and 0.198

                                         Since the digits at the tenths and the hundredths place of both the decimal
                                       numbers are the same, we compare the digits at the thousandths place.
                                       Since 4 thousandths < 8 thousandths, so 0.194 < 0.198.

                    Example 8:  Arrange the following decimals in ascending order.
                                  7.284, 7.14, 7.03, 7.9, 7.015
                    Solution:     Convert unlike decimals to like decimals.
                                  7.14 = 7.140; 7.03 = 7.030; 7.9 = 7.900

                                  So, we have 7.284, 7.140, 7.030, 7.900 and 7.015.

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