Page 104 - ICSE Math 5
P. 104

Example 9:  Add 4.68, 0.76 and 0.3.
                                      1   1                                                      Remember
                    Solution:        4.6 8
                                                                                             We can add decimal
                                     0.7 6              (Notice we have added 0              numbers in any order.

                                  +0 . 3 0            after 3 to convert it to like         The sum will remain the
                                     5.7 4            decimal.)

                    Example 10:  Subtract (a) 49.72 from 82.01 and (b) 249.32 from 360.
                                             11   9 9                     10   9
                                          7 1     10 11                5   9  10  10
                    Solution:     (a)     8 2.0 1        (b)        3 6 0.0 0

                                       – 4 9.7 2                 – 2 4 9.3 2
                                          3 2.2 9                   1 1 0.6 8

                               Exercise 7.3

                      1.  Colour the parts of pictures to show the addition.

                            (a)              +            =

                           (b)                       +                    =

                      2.  Add the following decimals.
                            (a)  0.14, 4.31 and 0.9                       (b)  0.1, 1 and 11.40
                            (c)  2.5, 20.50, 20.05 and 2.005              (d)  4.48, 8.4, 8.48 and 4.8

                            (e)  10.1, 1.1011, 100.01 and 1,000            (f)  4.35, 20.075 and 6.793

                      3.  Subtract the following decimals.
                            (a)  39.26 from 50.04           (b)  105.026 from 317.54         (c)  204.194 from 400.62

                           (d)  1,123.7 from 5,604.21       (e)  53.89 from 2,235.67         (f)  12.029 from 134.72

                      4.  Solve the following.
                            (a)  Take away 42.34 from 75.
                           (b)  How much do 114.29 and 44.92 make together?

                            (c)  What should be added to 76.95 to get 225?
                           (d)  What should be subtracted from 150.5 to get 80.25?

                            (e)  Find the sum of 436.87 and 218.39.

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