Page 98 - ICSE Math 5
P. 98

Let’s observe the place value chart of decimal numbers, 62.54 and 231.753, given below.
                                   Ten                                                   Tenths   Hundredths  Thousandths
                       Places   Thousands   Thousands   Hundreds   Tens   Ones            (t)        (h)         (th)
                     Values      (TTh)       (Th)        (H)      (T)   (O)     .         1          1           1
                                 (10,000)    (1,000)     (100)    (10)   (1)              10         100        1000
                       62.54                                       6      2      .         5          4
                      231.753                             2        3      1      .         7          5           3
                                          Whole number part                                      Decimal part

                    Now, let’s write the place value of each digit in the decimal number 231.753.
                    Place value of 2 is 2 hundreds, i.e., 200.            Place value of 3 is 3 tens, i.e., 30.
                    Place value of 1 is 1 one, i.e., 1.                   Place value of 7 is 7 tenths, i.e.,   .
                                                            5                                                       3
                    Place value of 5 is 5 hundredths, i.e.,    .          Place value of 3 is 3 thousandths, i.e.,      .
                                                           100                                                    1000
                    When we divide one whole into ten equal parts, each part is called       or one-tenth of the whole.
                    Thus, 1 one = 10 tenths.

                                                             One-tenth =    = 0.1
                    We can write the fraction      as 0.1 in the decimal form and read it as zero point one.
                              4         7
                    Similarly,    = 0.4,    = 0.7, and so on.
                              10        10
                    If each    or one-tenth part of a fraction is further divided into 10 equal parts, then each part
                               1    1     1
                    would be      ×    =      or one-hundredth. Thus, 1 tenth = 10 hundredths.
                              10    10   100

                                                                    1     1    1
                                                     One-hundredth =    of    =    = 0.01
                                                                    10   10   100
                    We can write the fraction       as 0.01 in the decimal form and read it as zero point zero one.
                               25           9
                    Similarly,     = 0.25,      = 0.09, and so on.
                              100          100
                    If each      or one-hundredth part of a fraction is further divided into 10 equal parts, then each
                                    1     1      1
                    part would be      ×      =       or one-thousandth. Thus, 1 hundredth = 10 thousandths.
                                   10   100    1000

                                                                    1     1    1
                                                    One-thousandth =    of    =    = 0.001
                                                                   10    100  1000
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103