Page 110 - ICSE Math 5
P. 110

Values and Life Skills

                       1.  Aditya’s dog eats 0.2 kg of dog’s food each day. How much food will it eat in a week?
                           Is it good to hit animals for no reasons?

                       2. Honey has ` 1,450.25. She picks up a story book for ` 210.50, a pair of shoes for ` 915.75
                           and a school bag for ` 420.75. Does she have sufficient money to buy them? If not, then
                           how much money is she short of? Is it good to spend money on unnecessary things?


                         What To Do?

                         To understand addition, subtraction and multiplication of decimals
                         What We Need?

                         A sheet of paper, a pair of scissors, a pen or pencil and a bowl

                         How To Do?
                                Take a sheet of paper and cut it into 10 small pieces. Write 10 different decimal numbers
                               each on different piece of paper. Fold and put all the pieces into a bowl.
                                Divide the class into groups of three students each.

                                The teacher will pick any two pieces of paper from the bowl and show the decimals
                               written on the pieces to each group.  The pieces should not be put back into the
                                One member of each group will add the decimals, another member will subtract the

                               decimals and the remaining member will multiply the decimals. A group will get one
                               point for each correct answer done in a specific time.

                                Continue in this way till all the decimal numbers from the bowl are used.
                                The group with the maximum points will be the winner.

   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115