Page 111 - ICSE Math 5
P. 111

Progress Worksheet

                     Mental Maths

                      1.  For the given decimal numbers write the integral part and the decimal part.

                                                Integral part             Decimal part
                            (a) 35.75          ____________              ____________

                           (b) 120.05          ____________              ____________
                            (c) 5,829.372      ____________              ____________

                           (d) 2,685.027       ____________              ____________

                      2.  Fill in the blanks.

                            (a)  5.14 × 10 = _____                        (b)  7.729 × 100 = _____
                            (c)  8.62 × 1,000 = _____                     (d)  7.02 × 1,000 = _____

                      3.  Arrange the following decimals in ascending order.

                            (a)  0.62, 0.64, 2.08         (b)  0.026, 0.3, 0.004        (c)  4.014, 40.15, 46.114

                      4.  Arrange the following decimals in descending order.
                            (a)  0.351, 0.45, 0.315       (b)  3.05, 5.01, 13.5         (c)  462.73, 516.73, 402.703

                     Solve and Answer

                      5.  Write the place value of the underlined digits and the expanded form of the given
                           decimal numbers.

                            (a) 5,792.483          (b) 168.525             (c) 475.795            (d) 8,414.693

                      6.  Multiply the following.
                            (a)  443.75 × 4        (b)  283.24 × 2.5       (c)  722.14 × 4.9      (d)  432.03 × 3.1

                      7.  Neha has to travel a total distance of 15.200 km. She walks 1 km to board a bus and
                           then travels 6.5 km. How many more kilometres does she have to travel?

                      8.  Kavita bought 8 bottles of vanila shake. If each bottle contains 750 mL of shake, how
                           many litres of shake did Kavita buy?

                     9.  Ahana has ` 150. She buys 3 ball pens, 4 sketch pens and 2 notebooks from a shop. A
                           ball pen costs ` 7.50, a sketch pen costs ` 12.25 and a notebook costs ` 15. How much
                           money does Ahana spend in all and how much money is she left with?

                      10.  Ravi has two ropes. One of the ropes is 3.7 m in length. If the other rope is 2.5 times
                           longer than the first rope, how long is it?

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