Page 114 - ICSE Math 5
P. 114

•  Rohan and Tripti start walking from their school in opposite directions. Let’s assume that
                          the school is located at point O that is 0 m. After some time, Rohan who walks towards east
                          reaches point A that is 4 m from O and Tripti who walks towards west reaches point B that
                          is 5 m from O. If we take the distance Rohan walked as +4 m, then the distance Tripti walked
                          is –5 m.

                                         B                            O                       A
                        West                                                                                     East
                                …–6     –5    –4    –3    –2    –1    0     1     2     3     4     5     6 …

                     •  Consider a tower of 100 m height. Its foundation is 20 m
                          deep. Thus, the height of the tower above the ground level                     100
                          is taken as +100 m, it’s height at the ground level as 0 and its
                          depth below the ground level as –20 m.
                     •  Suppose Nancy took  ` 120 from her mother and bought                             60       100 m
                          colours worth  ` 70. She returned the remaining money to
                          her mother.
                          If the money that Nancy took from her mother is denoted by
                          + ` 120, then the money she spent is denoted by – ` 70.                                    0 m
                     •  Thermometers are often used to explain positive and                                         20 m
                          negative numbers. If we are measuring temperature using                       –20
                          a Celsius scale thermometer, we can read the temperature
                          either above or below 0°C marked on it.

                          Let’s read the temperature in °C as shown below.


                                    –20       –10        0        10       20        30       40        50

                          The temperature measured is +26°C.


                                    –20       –10        0        10       20        30       40        50

                          The temperature measured is –5°C.
                    All the above mentioned examples highlight the importance and necessity of positive and
                    negative numbers or integers in our daily life.

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