Page 117 - ICSE Math 5
P. 117

Comparison of Integers Using a Number Line

                    A number line is often used to compare integers.
                                                                                                     Top Tip
                    Similar to the whole numbers, for any two integers that are
                    represented on a number line, the one that is on the right is                Numbers always
                                                                                               increase from left to
                    considered as the greater number than the one that is on the
                                                                                                right on a number
                    left. We can also say that the number on the left is smaller                       line.
                    than the number on the right.
                                                   Value of numbers increase from left to right.

                                –10  –9 –8  –7  –6 –5  –4  –3 –2 –1  0    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

                                                 Value of numbers decrease from right to left.
                    From this, we may conclude the following.

                      (a)  Every positive number is greater than the negative               Mental Maths
                                                                                     1.   Find all integers that lie
                      (b)  Zero is smaller than every positive number.                  between –3 and 5. How
                                                                                        many of them are smaller
                      (c)  Zero is greater than every negative number.
                                                                                        than 0?
                      (d)  Farther a number is to the right of zero, greater is      2.   Write three negative
                           its value.                                                   integers greater than –7.

                      (e)  Farther a number is to the left of zero, smaller is its

                    Ordering of Integers

                    It is convenient for us to arrange positive numbers in any order like ascending or descending.
                    When it comes to negative numbers, it can be a little tricky to arrange them in an order. Thus,
                    we can use a number line to arrange the given integers in an appropriate order, i.e., from the
                    smallest to the greatest and from the greatest to the smallest.
                    To arrange the given integers in any order, we follow the given steps.

                     •  Draw a number line and mark the given integers on it.
                     •  Write the integers as they appear on the number line from left to right for ascending order
                          and from right to left for descending order.

                                             Descending                         Ascending order
                                             order of integers                  of integers

                                –10  –9 –8  –7  –6 –5  –4  –3 –2 –1  0    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
                    Example 5:  Write all the integers between –9 and 5.

                    Solution:     Integers between –9 and 5 are –8, –7, –6, –5, –4, –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.
                    Example 6:  Which number in each of the following pairs is to the right of the other on the
                                  number line?

                                  (a)  10, 4               (b)  –1, 0

   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122