Page 90 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 90

3.  The old woman at the spring was a fairy.

                           4.  The elder girl happily agreed to go to the spring.

                           5.  The king’s son was kind to the young girl.

                    A3.  Answer these questi ons.

                           1.  What was the fairy’s boon to the girl?

                           2.  Why did the mother send the elder child to the spring?

                           3.  Does the story mention the name of any character? Whose?

                           4.  Why did the fairy appear in the dress of a princess to the elder girl?

                           5.  Was the younger girl fortunate? How?

                           6.  What is your opinion about the mother’s treatment of her children?

                   B         Vocabulary

                    Read these sentences.

                           The mother was angry at the young girl.

                           The king’s son was surprised to see the pretty girl in the forest.

                    The highlighted words tell us what people felt when something happened.
                    The words given below can be used to describe our feelings.

                     We feel

                     sad           when something bad happens

                     nervous       when we are worried about something that is going to happen

                     proud         when we have done something good

                     happy         when something good happens

                                   when we are eagerly waiting for something to happen, and we
                                   are very happy that it will happen

                     angry         when someone has done something we don’t like

                     jealous       when someone else has what we want

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