Page 88 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 88

fairy who had appeared to her sister, now dressed as a princess. The fairy

                    wanted to see how ill-natured the girl can get.

                    ‘Do you think I have come here just to get you a drink?’ said the rude girl,
                    arrogantly. ‘Do you think I brought a silver flagon here specially to give you

                    a drink? Drink from the spring, if you want to!’

                    ‘You are not very polite,’ said the fairy, showing no anger. ‘Well, in return
                    for your rudeness I’ll give you a curse. For every word you utter a snake or
                    a toad shall drop out of your mouth.’

                    The moment her mother saw her coming back she cried out, ‘Well, daughter?’

                    ‘Well, mother?’ replied the rude girl. As she spoke a viper and a toad were
                    spat out of the mouth.

                    ‘Gracious heavens!’ cried her mother, ‘What do I see? Her sister is the cause
                    of this, and I will punish her for it!’

                     rude : not having good manners                      viper : a poisonous snake
                     curse : a wish for evil

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