Page 92 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 92

1. Walk                      . The floor is slippery.

                           2.  To start the game, push the green button                                .

                           3.  By the time they reached the platform the train had

                                started moving.

                           4.  I am sure you will win the match                              .

                           5.  The boy waited                       in the car till his mother came out from
                                the shop.

                    C2.  Choose suitable verbs for the adverbs in the sentences below.

                                           sings  playing  sits  eat  close

                           1.  During the prayer everyone                            silently.

                           2. ‘                 your breakfast quickly,’ mother said.
                           3.                  the lid tightly after taking out sweets from the jar.

                           4.  The coach scolded the player for                            badly.
                           5. Geeta’s brother                       beautifully.

                    C3.  Tick the correct verb + adverb combinati on. Cross the wrong ones.

                           1. slept loudly

                           2. shouts angrily

                           3. walked carelessly

                           4. lives immediately

                           5. cooked anxiously

                   D     Listening and Speaking


                    D1.  Write any numbers between 0 and 20 in the table below. Your teacher

                           will read out some numbers. Tick the numbers in the table as you
                           hear them. When all the numbers are ti cked, say ‘Bingo’. You have

   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97