Page 87 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 87

had finished drinking, ‘and so polite. I shall give you a gift. This is the boon

                    I grant you: with every word that you utter there shall fall from your mouth
                    either a flower or a precious stone.’

                    When the girl reached home the mother scolded her for being so long in

                    coming back from the spring.

                    ‘I am sorry I got late, mother,’ said the poor child.

                    As she spoke these words there fell from her mouth three roses, three pearls,
                    and three diamonds.

                    ‘What’s this?’ cried her mother. ‘Did I see pearls and diamonds dropping out
                    of your mouth? What does this mean, dear daughter?’ This was the first time
                    she called her daughter ‘dear’.

                    The poor child told a simple tale of what had happened. While speaking she
                    scattered diamonds right and left.

                    ‘Really,’ said her mother, ‘I must send my own child there. Come here,

                    Fanchon; look what comes out of your sister’s mouth whenever she speaks!
                    Wouldn’t you like to be able to do the same? All you have to do is to go and
                    draw some water at the spring, and when a poor woman asks you for a
                    drink, give it to her very nicely.’

                    ‘Oh, indeed!’ replied the ill-mannered girl, ‘I don’t want to waste my time. Go
                    there yourself!’

                    ‘I tell you that you are to go,’ said the mother, ‘and to go this instant.’

                    The girl went off sulkily, taking with her the best silver flagon in the house.
                    When she reached the spring, she saw a lady, magnificently dressed, who
                    came towards her from the forest, and asked for a drink. This was the same

                     polite : having good manners                        scattered : threw about
                     boon : blessing                                     instant : moment

                     precious : valuable                                 sulkily : annoyed and keeping
                     scolded : blamed using angry                               silent
                            words                                        fl agon : a large container for

                     long in coming back : late in coming                       drinks
                            back                                         magnifi cently : very beautifully

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