Page 83 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 83

A     Comprehension

                    Answer these questi ons.

                           1.  What are the words in the poem that describe the street?

                           2.  The rain clatters along the roofs like                                       .
                                 a)  the beating of drums

                                 b) people chatting
                                 c)  the tramp of hoofs

                           3.  Fill in the blanks with describing words from the poem.
                                 a)  The rain is                        .

                                 b)  The lane is                         .
                                 c)  The tide is                        .

                           4.  What is the meaning of ‘welcome rain’?
                           5.  Do you think the poet likes the rain? Why?

                   B      Sounds and Pronunciation

                    Listen to your teacher read out the following sets of words, and repeat after

                               best              bird             globe             about            rubber
                               pack              cups             please             help             apple

                    Read these sentences aloud.

                           Bernie brought a big breakfast back to the bed.
                           Pat put purple paint in the pool.

                    B1.  Your teacher will read out some words. Tick the words you hear in
                           the box.

                                     blue                    book                pepper                  pickle

                                   bought                   pedal                biscuit                  best

                                 pineapple                  bread                bicycle                 about

                                Peter Parker                Bobby                bright               Pied Piper

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