Page 86 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 86

12             The Fairy at the Spring

                    Once upon a time there lived a widow with two daughters. People often used
                    to mistake the elder girl for her mother, because she looked like the mother.

                    The mother and the elder daughter were so arrogant and ill-behaved that no
                    one could live with them.

                    The younger girl was gentle
                    and sweet. No other girl of

                    that country was prettier
                    than her. The mother loved
                    only the elder daughter who

                    resembled her so closely. The
                    younger girl had to live in the
                    kitchen and work hard from
                    morning till night.

                    One of the poor child’s jobs
                    was to go twice a day and draw
                    water from a spring half a
                    mile away and bring it back in

                    a large pitcher. One day when
                    she was at the spring, an old
                    woman came up and begged
                    for a drink.

                    ‘Why, certainly, good mother,’ the pretty girl replied. She rinsed her pitcher,
                    drew some water from the cleanest part of the spring and handed it to the
                    old woman, lifting up the jug so that she might drink more easily.

                    Now this old woman was a fairy, who had taken the form of a poor village
                    woman to test the girl’s good nature. ‘You are so pretty,’ she said, when she

                     mistake the elder girl for her mother:              resembled : looked like

                            think the elder girl was her                 pitcher : a large jug
                            mother                                       rinsed : cleaned with water
                     arrogant : proud

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