Page 69 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 69




                    Countable and Uncountable Nouns

                    Read the following:

                               water          gold           honesty           cricket         air            sleep

                               music          rice           tea               history         money          rain

                           1.  They are uncountable nouns.

                           2.  These nouns cannot be counted.

                           3.  They are not singular or plural.

                    C3.  Write C (countable) or U (uncountable) in front of the following nouns.

                           1. school                                       2. mango

                           3. sugar                                        4. bread

                           5. grass                                        6. rabbit

                   D           Writing

                    Read the jumbled story ‘Sanku and the Bear’ and rewrite it in correct


                           1.  After some time Sanku got up and went home.

                           2.  Bears don’t eat any dead prey, so it went away.

                           3.  He marked the tree to cut, tied a rope around it and began to sharpen

                                his axe.

                           4.  One day he went to the forest to cut wood.

                           5.  Sanku lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

                           6.  Sanku saw it coming near him, but he didn’t have enough time to
                                run away and escape.

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