Page 70 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 70

7.  Sanku was a poor woodcutter.

                           8.  Suddenly, an idea occurred to him.

                           9.  The bear examined him very closely and found that he was dead.

                         10.  When the bear came near Sanku held his breath.

                         11.  While Sanku was busy preparing for work, a bear came that way.

                   E     Listening and Speaking

                    Sound and Spelling : -ch or -tch

                                         beach                        (long vowel sound)

                                         fetch                        (short vowel sound)

                    E1. Write -ch or -tch in the blanks.

                           1. ca                                           2. tea

                           3. spee                                         4. ma

                           5. pea                                          6. wre

                           7. sti                                          8. bea

                           9. rea                                        10. di

                    Off ering, Accep  ng or Refusing Something

                    Read the following:

                           Accep  ng

                           1. Bela         :   Would you like some sweets?

                                Jatin      :   Yes, please.

                               Bela        :  Here you are.

                                Jatin      :   Thank you.

                           2. Krish        :   Would you like a cup of ice cream?

                                Gauri      :   Yes, please.

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