Page 72 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 72

9             Kalidasa

                    Kalidasa was the court poet of King Vikramaditya of Ujjain. He wrote many

                    plays and poems in Sanskrit.

                    There is a beautiful story of how Kalidasa got his name. It also tells us how

                    he became a great poet. He could not go to school because he was very poor.
                    He had to tend his father’s sheep.

                    In a nearby city lived a king who had a beautiful and intelligent daughter.
                    Her name was Vidyawati. She said, ‘Whoever can answer my questions will be

                    my husband.’

                    Many kings, warriors and learned men

                    tried to answer her questions but
                    they could not. They had to go away
                    disappointed. She laughed at them.

                    They were very angry with her. They
                    wanted to teach her a lesson.

                    One day some disappointed learned
                    men saw a young shepherd sitting on
                    the branch of a tree. He was cutting it.

                    They thought, ‘How foolish this young
                    shepherd is! He is cutting the branch

                    on which he is sitting. Soon he will fall

                    Suddenly they had an idea. They made a plan. They asked him to go with them

                    to the city. He agreed to do so. There they gave him tasty food to eat and
                    delicious buttermilk to drink. Then he slept on a soft bed. When he got up, they

                     tend : take care of                                 learned : having a lot of knowledge

                     warriors : people who fight in a                    disappointed : upset because what

                            battle or a war                                     they hoped for did not happen
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