Page 73 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 73

bathed him, rubbed oil into his skin and then sprinkled perfume on him. They
                    dressed him in fine clothes and tied a white and gold turban on his head. The
                    poor illiterate shepherd now looked like a great scholar.

                    Then they said to him, ‘Listen, shepherd! We’re taking you to the king’s palace.
                    There, the princess will ask you questions. Don’t answer. Make actions with

                    your hands. We will do the rest.’ The shepherd agreed.

                    The shepherd and the learned men reached the palace. The guards took them

                    to the princess. Vidyawati laughed when she saw the finely dressed young
                    man. She thought, ‘Another fool has come to try his luck.’

                    The learned men said, ‘Princess! Here is a great scholar. You can ask him any
                    question but he will not speak. He will answer only with gestures.’

                    The princess then pointed one finger at the shepherd. The learned men made
                    signs to him. He pointed two fingers at her. Then she made more gestures. He

                    replied with gestures.

                    The scholars explained the meaning of the gestures very cleverly. The princess
                    thought, ‘What an intelligent man! He shall be my husband.’

                    The next day the princess married him. After the wedding was over, she
                    had a great shock. She found out that the young scholar was an illiterate

                    shepherd. She wept bitterly. She understood that the learned men had tricked

                    What was she going to do now? How was she going to live with a foolish
                    husband? At last she thought of a plan. She said to her husband, ‘Go to the
                    Kali temple tonight and bolt the door from inside. At midnight the goddess

                    Kali will knock on the door and ask you to let her in. Tell her that you will open
                    the door only if she blesses you with wisdom. If the goddess agrees, open the

                    door and let her in. If she doesn’t agree to bless you, don’t open the door.’

                     illiterate : a person who does not                  bitterly : in a way that shows

                            know how to read and write                          feelings of sadness or anger
                     scholar : a person who knows a lot

                            about a subject
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