Page 65 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 65

Then he grabbed Arcus and flung him too into the he
                    darkness of the night sky. Arcus became a little
                    bear next to his mother.

                    The two bears changed into stars. Callisto is
                    known as the Great Bear and Arcus is known

                    as the Little Bear. If you look up at the night
                    sky you can see the shapes of the two bears

                    outlined by stars.

                   A     Comprehension

                    A1.  Circle A or B for the correct answer.

                           1.  What are the Great Bear and the Little Bear?

                                A.  They are bears.

                                B.  They are stars.

                           2.  Who was Callisto?

                                A.  She was a beautiful woman.

                                B.  He was a handsome young man.

                           3.  The father of Arcus was

                                A. a bear.

                                B. Jupiter.

                           4.  What did the goddess do?

                                A.  She cursed Callisto and changed her into a bear.

                                B.  She cursed Callisto and changed her into a wolf.

                    A2.  Complete the answers with words from the lesson.

                           1.  Where did the big black bear hide herself?

                               She hid herself                                                  far away.

                     grabbed : took somebody with his hands suddenly and firmly
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