Page 63 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 63

8             The Great Bear and the Little


                    Once upon a time there lived a beautiful woman in Greece. Her name was

                    Callisto. She had a son named Arcus. She was very happy looking after and
                    playing with him. However, her happiness was not going to last.

                    Many people were  jealous of
                    Callisto. They went to a goddess

                    and said to her, ‘Beautiful goddess,
                    Callisto says she is more beautiful
                    than you.’ The goddess was

                    furious. She cursed Callisto and
                    changed her into a bear. Callisto’s

                    hands and feet changed into paws
                    with sharp claws. Her sweet voice
                    became a savage growl. Her mouth

                    was filled with terrible teeth and
                    her  delicate jaws became rough

                    and powerful.

                    The big black bear moved heavily towards her son Arcus. He screamed in

                    terror. Then the beautiful wood fairies came and rushed away with Arcus.

                    Callisto looked like a ferocious bear but she was still gentle and loving. She

                    was afraid of all bears and other wild animals. She ran away from hunters and
                    their dogs too.

                     jealous : feeling angry or unhappy                  savage : (here) wild

                     furious : very angry                                growl  : a low angry sound made by
                     paws : feet of animals that have                           animals

                            claws                                        delicate : small and having a
                     claws : sharp curved nails on the                          beautiful shape

                            end of an animal’s or a bird’s               screamed : cried out in a loud voice
                            paw                                          terror : great fear

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