Page 64 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 64

At first, the bear would go to the hut where her son lived with the wood
                    fairies. She wanted to look at her son as he slept in his little bed. After some
                    days the bear could not go near the hut. Men and dogs wanted to kill her. So

                    she went far away and hid herself in a thick forest.

                    Days, weeks, months came and went away. The seasons changed. The bear

                    lived alone and lonely.

                    One winter night she dreamt

                    of Arcus. She longed to see
                    him again. She decided to

                    go and see him in spring.
                    Spring came. The bear made
                    the long journey to see

                    her son. One evening, the
                    bear was  wandering in a

                    wood. Suddenly, she saw a
                    handsome young hunter. He
                    was going to shoot an arrow

                    at a bird sitting on a branch.
                    It was Arcus, her son.

                    The arrow missed its mark. The bird flew away. Suddenly, Arcus felt that
                    someone was watching him. He turned and saw a huge black bear staring at

                    him. He was afraid the bear would kill him. So he put an arrow in his bow to
                    kill it. The bear was silent. It could not move.

                    Then something happened which united mother and son forever. Jupiter,
                    the father of Arcus, looked down from his palace. He was shocked at what
                    he saw. His son was going to kill his mother, Callisto. Jupiter swept down,

                    snatched Callisto, the huge black bear and flung her into the night skies.

                     lonely : sad and alone                              united : joined together
                     longed : wished for something very                  snatched : took something quickly

                            much                                         flung : threw somebody or

                     wandering : moving slowly around                           something with great force
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