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Blue collar: Relating to manual work or workers, Female foeticide: The practice of aborting a foetus
particularly in industry when a person fi nds out that the foetus is female
Bridge: To make the diff erence or division between after undergoing a sex determination test, due to
two things smaller societal norms causing the female child to be seen as
Brimming: Being full to the point of overfl owing a burden on the family
Business-oriented: Something that relates to business Female infanticide: The intentional killing of baby
or is suitable for the needs of a business by being girls due to the preference for male babies and from
profi t-oriented the low value associated with the birth of females
Foremost: Most prominent in rank, importance or
C position
Census: An offi cial count or survey, especially of a G
Gender discrimination: Any distinction, exclusion
Clerk: A person employed in an offi ce or bank to
or restriction made on the basis of sex which has
keep records, accounts and undertake other routine
the eff ect or purpose of impairing or nullifying
administrative duties
the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women,
Complexity: The state or quality of being intricate or
irrespective of their marital status, on the basis of
equality of men and women, of human rights and
Convenience: The state of being able to proceed with fundamental freedoms in the political, economic,
something without diffi culty social, cultural, civil or any other fi eld
D Graduate: A person who has successfully completed
a course of study or training, especially a person
Demography: The study of statistics such as
who has been awarded an undergraduate or fi rst
births, deaths, income, or the incidence of disease, academic degree
which illustrate the changing structure of human
Greenhouse: A glass building in which plants that
need protection from cold weather are grown
Domestic violence: Violent or aggressive behaviour
Gross Domestic Product: A monetary measure of
within the home, typically involving the violent abuse
the market value of all the fi nal goods and services
of a spouse or partner
produced within a marked geographical boundary,
E often a nation and in a specifi c time period, often
Employability: The quality of being suitable for paid
work H
Entrepreneur: An individual who creates a new Hands-on: Relating to, being or providing direct
business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most practical experience in the operation or functioning
of the rewards of something
Entrepreneurship: The capacity and willingness to High-growth sectors: Sectors of an economy which
develop, organize and manage a business venture experience a higher-than-average growth rate as
along with any of its risks to make a profi t which lead compared to other sectors
to designing, launching and running a new business, Hindrance: A thing that provides resistance, delay, or
which is often initially a small business obstruction to something or someone
Ethnic group: A community or population made up Hostile: Showing or feeling opposition or dislike
of people who share a common cultural background Human resource management: Formal systems
or descent devised for the management of people within an