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Devoid: Entirely lacking or free from Gewa: A species of tree which is a photoautotroph
Dibru-Saikhowa: A national park as well as a which means that it is an organism that can make its
biosphere reserve situated in the south bank of the own energy using light and carbon dioxide via the
river Brahmaputra in the extreme east of Assam state process of photosynthesis
in India Gibbon: A small, slender tree-dwelling ape with long
Dihang-Dibang: A biosphere reserve constituted in powerful arms and loud hooting calls, native to the
1998. It is in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh forests of south-east Asia
E Gir National Park: A national park in the state of
Gujarat, India, located about 37 miles (60 km) south-
Eco-tourism: A form of tourism involving visiting south-west of Junagadh, famous for being home to
fragile, pristine and relatively undisturbed natural the largest of the surviving groups of Asiatic lions
areas, intended as a low-impact and often small scale
Golpata: A species of palm native to the coastlines
alternative to standard commercial mass tourism
and estuarine habitats of the Indian and Pacifi c
Effl uent: Liquid waste or sewage discharged into a
Oceans and is the only palm that is known to have
river or the sea
adapted to the mangrove biome
Endangered species: A species seriously at risk of
Great Indian Bustard: A bustard found on the Indian
subcontinent, a large bird with a horizontal body and
Equable: Not varying or fl uctuating greatly long bare legs, giving it an ostrich like appearance,
Eucalyptus: Any of a genus of mostly Australian this bird is among the heaviest of the fl ying birds and
evergreen trees or rarely shrubs of the myrtle family is protected under Wildlife Protection Act 1972 of
that have rigid entire leaves and umbellate fl owers India
and are widely cultivated for their gums, resins, oils,
Great Nicobar: A biosphere reserve encompasses a
and woods
large part (some 85%) of the island of Great Nicobar,
Evergreen: A plant that retains green leaves the largest of the Nicobar Islands in the Indian Union
throughout the year Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Fatality: An occurrence of death by accident, in war,
Habitat: The natural home or environment of an
or from disease
animal, plant or other organism
Floristic: Relating to the study of the distribution of
Hogla: Local name for a bush-like small plant,
frequently seen in the Sundarbans along the banks
Foothill: A low hill at the base of a mountain or of rivers and canals
mountain range
Fragile: Easily destroyed or threatened I
G Indian Meteorological Department: An agency of
the Ministry of Earth Sciences of the Government
Ganga dolphin: A subspecies of river dolphin which of India and is the principal agency responsible for
is found in the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers in meteorological observations, weather forecasting
Republic of India, Nepal and Bangladesh and seismology
Garan: A woody perennial plant, typically having a Indiscriminate: Done at random or without careful
single stem or trunk growing to a considerable height judgement
and bearing lateral branches at some distance from
Interdependent: Two or more people or things)
the ground
dependent on each other
Garjan: A genus of trees found in the East Indies,
Irrigated: Land to which water has been supplied to
some species of which produce a fragrant resin, other
help growth, typically by means of channels
species wood oil