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Y or ‘culms’, can range in height from a few centimetres
to 40 metres, with stem diameters ranging from 1
Yamuna River: A river in northern India, fl owing south-
millimetre to 30 centimetres
east from the Himalayas to the Ganga at Allahabad
Barasingha: A deer that inhabits swamps and grassy
and is 1385 meters
plains in India and Nepal, known for the pointed
Z nature of its antlers, which are 12 in number
Zoji La: A high mountain pass in the Indian state of Bharal: A Himalayan wild sheep with a bluish coat
Jammu and Kashmir, located on National Highway 1 and backward-curving horns
between Srinagar and Leh in the western section of Biogas: Gaseous fuel, especially methane, produced
the Himalayan mountain range by the fermentation of organic matter
Biosphere reserve: A label given by UNESCO to
Chapter 9 – India – Climate, Natural help protect ecosystems with plants and animals of
Vegetation and Wildlife unusual scientifi c and natural interest
Acacia: A tree or shrub of warm climates which bears Campfi re: An open-air fi re in a camp, used for cooking
spikes or clusters of yellow or white fl owers and is and as a focal point for social activity
typically thorny Capacity: The maximum amount that something can
Achanakmar-Amarkantak: A biosphere reserve
in India that extends across the states of Madhya Chaplash: A woody perennial plant, typically having
Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, covering a total area of a single stem or trunk growing to a considerable
3835.51 square kilometres height and bearing lateral branches at some distance
from the ground
Adjoining: Next to or joined with
Cherrapunji: A sub-divisional town in the East Khasi
Agasthyamalai: A biosphere reserve that stands
Hills district in the Indian state of Meghalaya, known
on the border of the districts of Kollam and
for being one of the regions which receives the
Thiruvananthapuram, in the state of Kerala and the
highest amount of rainfall in the world
districts of Tirunelveli and Kanyakumari, in the state
Chiru: A sandy-coloured Tibetan gazelle with black
of Tamil Nadu
Agro-forestry: Agriculture incorporating the
Commencement: The beginning of something
cultivation of trees
Coromandel Coast: The south-eastern coast region
Amphibian: A cold-blooded vertebrate animal of
of the Indian subcontinent, bounded by the Utkal
a class that comprises the frogs, toads, newts and
Plains to the north, the Bay of Bengal to the east, the
salamanders and are distinguished by having an
Kaveri delta to the south, and the Eastern Ghats to
aquatic gill-breathing larval stage followed by a
the west, extending over an area of about 22,800
terrestrial lung-breathing adult stage
square kilometres
Armadillo: A nocturnal insectivorous mammal that
has large claws for digging and a body covered in D
bony plates Deciduous: A tree or shrub that sheds its leaves
B annually
Deodar: A tall, broadly conical cedar which has
Babul: A tropical acacia introduced to South Asia from
drooping branches and bears large barrel-shaped
Africa, used as a source of fuel, gum arabic and tannin
cones, native to the Himalayas
Bamboo: A grass, though many of the larger
Deprivation: The unavailability or denial of something
bamboos are very tree-like in appearance and they
considered to be a necessity
are sometimes called “bamboo trees” whose stems,