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Cedar: Any of a number of conifers which typically    Kuroshio Current: Also known as the Black or Japan
                  yield fragrant, durable timber                        Current, it is a north-fl owing ocean current on the
                  Chestnut: A glossy hard brown edible nut which        west side of the North Pacifi c Ocean
                  develops within a bristly case and which may be       L
                  roasted and eaten
                                                                        Land breeze: A breeze blowing towards the sea from
                  Cinchona: An evergreen South American tree or
                                                                        the land, especially at night, owing to the relative
                  shrub with fragrant fl owers, cultivated for its bark
                                                                        warmth of the sea
                  Climatic zone: Areas with distinct climates, which
                                                                        Larch: A coniferous tree with bunches of deciduous
                  occur in east-west direction around the Earth, and
                                                                        bright green needles, found in cool regions of the
                  can be classifi ed using diff erent climatic parametres
                                                                        northern hemisphere, grown for its tough timber and
                  Coniferous: Any of an order of mostly evergreen trees
                                                                        its resin
                  and shrubs having usually needle-shaped or scale-
                                                                        Lichen: A simple slow-growing plant that typically
                  like leaves
                                                                        forms a low crusty, leafl ike, or branching growth on
                 D                                                      rocks, walls, and trees
                  Deciduous: A tree or shrub shedding its leaves        Lynx: A wild cat with yellowish-brown fur (sometimes
                  annually                                              spotted), a short tail and tufted ears, found chiefl y in
                                                                        the northern latitudes of North America and Eurasia
                  Ebony: Heavy blackish or very dark brown timber
                  from a mainly tropical tree                           Magnolia: A tree or shrub with large, typically creamy-
                  Equatorial: Of, at or near the equator                pink or -white, waxy fl owers
                  Extremity: The degree to which something is extreme   Mahogany: Hard reddish-brown timber from a
                                                                        tropical tree, used for quality furniture
                  F                                                     Manchuria: A region of north-eastern China,

                  Fauna: The animals of a particular region, habitat, or   historically the home of the Manchus, rulers of China
                  geological period                                     from 1644 to 1912

                  Fir: An evergreen coniferous tree with upright cones   Mango: The evergreen tropical Indian tree that bears
                  and fl at needle-shaped leaves, typically arranged in two   the mango
                  rows. Firs are an important source of timber and resins  Maritime climate: A classifi cation of climate typical of
                  Flora:  The plants of a particular region, habitat, or   west coasts in higher middle latitudes of continents,
                  geological period                                     and generally features cool summers (relative to
                                                                        their latitude) and cool but not cold winters, with a
                 G                                                      relatively narrow annual temperature range

                  Grassland: A large open area of country covered with
                  grass, especially one used for grazing               O
                                                                        Obstruct: Be or get in the way of
                 K                                                      Ocean current: A continuous, directed movement of

                  Komodo dragon: A heavily built monitor occurring      sea water generated by a number of forces acting
                  only on Komodo and neighbouring Indonesian            upon the water, including wind, the Coriolis eff ect,
                  islands, and is the largest extant lizard             breaking waves, cabbeling, and temperature and
                  Korean Peninsula: A peninsula in East Asia. It extends   salinity diff erences
                  southwards for about 684 miles from continental Asia   Oyashio Current: A cold subarctic ocean current that
                  into the Pacifi c Ocean and is surrounded by the Sea of   fl ows south and circulates counter-clockwise in the
                  Japan to the east, and the Yellow Sea to the west     western North Pacifi c Ocean

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