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Hose: A fl exible tube conveying water or oil Probable: Likely to happen or be the case
Hydrocarbon: A compound of hydrogen and R
carbon, such as any of those which are the chief
Refi ned petroleum: Products that are derived from
components of petroleum and natural gas
crude oils through processes such as catalytic cracking
I and fractional distillation which is a necessary step
Illegal dumping: Discarding waste in an improper before crude oil can be burned as fuel or used to
create end products
or illegal manner, where it doesn’t belong and/or
where environmental damage is likely Refi nery: An industrial installation where a substance
is refi ned
Jet ski: A small jet-propelled vehicle which skims
Safety valve: A valve that opens automatically to
across the surface of water and is ridden in a similar
relieve excessive pressure
way to a motorcycle
Seaman: A person who works as a sailor, especially
L one below the rank of offi cer
Liquefi ed: Make or become liquid
Louisiana: A state of the southern US, on the Gulf
Tampa Bay: A large natural harbour and shallow
of Mexico
estuary connected to the Gulf of Mexico in the state
M of Florida, USA
Terminal: The end of a railway, cargo or other transport
Marsh: An area of low-lying land which is fl ooded
in wet seasons or at high tide, and typically remains
waterlogged at all times Texas: A southern state in the United States of America
and the second largest state in by area (after Alaska)
New Orleans: The largest city in the state of
Volatile: Liable to change rapidly and unpredictably,
Louisiana and the second most important port in especially for the worse
the US
O Chapter 6 – Asia – Physiography
Off shore platform: A large structure with facilities A
for well drilling to explore, extract, store, and
Altai Range: A mountain range in Central and East
process petroleum and natural gas which lies in
Asia, where Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan
rock formations beneath the seabed
come together, and where the rivers Irtysh and Ob
Oil fi eld: An area of land or seabed underlain by
have their headwaters
strata yielding mineral oil, especially in amounts
Anatolia: The peninsula of land that today constitutes
that justify commercial exploitation
the Asian portion of Turkey
Oil slick: A fi lm or layer of oil fl oating on an expanse
of water Anatolian Plateau: The central upland region of the
ancient region of Anatolia, which is today’s Turkey
Oil spill: An escape of oil into the sea or other body
of water Arabian Plateau: A peninsula between the Red Sea
and the Persian Gulf, strategically important for its oil
P resources
Pennsylvania: A state of the eastern United States Aral Sea: A lake in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, east
Pipeline: A long pipe, typically underground, for of the Caspian Sea, formerly the fourth largest lake in
conveying oil, gas, etc. over long distances the world