P. 173
Pass: A gap or break in high, rugged terrain such as a Sharavati River: A river which originates and fl ows
mountain ridge entirely within the state of Karnataka in India and is
Patkai Bum: The hills on India’s north-eastern border also one of the few westward fl owing rivers of India
with Burma or Myanmar Shipki La: A mountain pass and border post with a
Patli Dun: A town in the state of Uttarakhand in India dozen buildings of signifi cant size on the India-China
Peninsular Plateau: A large plateau in western and border
southern India which rises to 100 metres in the north, Shivasamudram Falls: A famous waterfall situated on
and to more than 1,000 metres in the south, forming the Kaveri River in the Mandya District of Karnataka
a raised triangle within the south-pointing triangle of
Sivalik: A mountain range of the outer Himalayas that
the Indian subcontinent’s coastline
stretches from the Indus River about 2,400 kilometres
Pir Panjal Range: A mountain pass and a tourist eastwards close to the Brahmaputra River, through
destination, located in the Pir Panjal Range in Jammu
parts of both Nepal and India
and Kashmir
Standard Meridian of India: The meridian used for
Purvanchal: A sub-mountain range of the Himalayas
reckoning standard time
in north-east India which cover the states of Assam,
State: Territory considered as an organized political
Manipur, Tripura, Nagaland, Meghalaya and Mizoram
community under one government
R Sutlej River: A branch of the Indus River which is the
Rajmahal Hills: Hills formed from rocks dating longest of the fi ve major rivers that fl ow through the
from the Jurassic Period and named after the town region of Punjab in northern India and Pakistan
of Rajmahal which lies to the east in the state of T
Jharkhand in India
Rann of Kutch: A seasonally marshy region located Teesta River: A 315 kilometre long river that rises
in the Thar Desert bio-geographic area in the Indian in the eastern Himalayas, fl ows through the Indian
state of Gujarat, with some parts in Pakistani province states of West Bengal and Sikkim and then through
of Sindh Bangladesh
Ravi River: A trans-boundary river crossing north- Ten Degree Channel: A channel of water that
western India and eastern Pakistan, one of six rivers separates the Andaman Islands and Nicobar Islands
of the Indus System in Punjab region from each other in the Bay of Bengal
Ritchie’s Archipelago: A cluster of smaller islands Thal: A ghat section (mountain incline or slope) in the
which lie 20 kilometres east of Great Andaman, the Western Ghats near the town of Kasara in Maharashtra
main island group of the Andaman Islands Thar Desert: Also known as the Great Indian Desert,
Rohtang: A high mountain pass at 3,978 metres on is a large arid region in the north-western part of the
the eastern Pir Panjal Range of the Himalayas Indian subcontinent that covers an area of 200,000
S square kilometres and forms a natural boundary
between India and Pakistan
Sahyadri: A low mountain range in western India,
Tsangpo River: The biggest river in Tibet and also
along the western margin of the Deccan plateau,
holds the position as being the river found at the
bordering the Arabian Sea
highest altitude across the world
Salt lake: A lake of salt water
Sambhar Lake: India’s largest inland salt lake, is U
located 80 km south-west of the city of Jaipur Union Territory: A type of administrative division in
Satpura Range: A range of hills in central India from the Republic of India which, unlike the states of India,
which the Narmada River originates are governed directly by the central Government of
Sediment: Matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid India