P. 180

Right to Education Act 2009: An Act of the Parliament   Soft skills: Personal attributes that enable someone
                  of India enacted on 4 August 2009, which describes    to interact eff ectively and harmoniously with other
                  the modalities of the importance of free and          people
                  compulsory education for children between 6 and 14
                                                                        Sparingly: In small quantities
                  in India under Article 21a of the Indian Constitution
                                                                        Specialised: Requiring or involving detailed and
                 S                                                      specifi c knowledge or training

                  Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan: An Indian Government           Status: Relative social or professional position
                  programme aimed at the universalisation of            Sustainability:  The ability to be maintained at a
                  elementary education  “in a time bound manner”,       certain rate or level
                  through the 86th Amendment to the Constitution of     T
                  India which made free and compulsory education to
                  children between the ages of 6 and 14 a Fundamental   Temperate: Relating to or denoting a region or
                  Right                                                 climate characterized by mild temperatures
                  Scenario: A description of possible events or real   U
                                                                        Underprivileged: A person not enjoying the same
                  Semi-skilled worker: A type of worker who does work
                                                                        standard of living or rights as the majority of people
                  generally of a defi ned and routine nature wherein the
                                                                        in a society
                  major requirement is not so much of the judgment
                                                                        Universalisation: The extension of the area and range
                  and skill but for the proper discharge of duties
                                                                        of those who share in a good or a service
                  assigned to him/her
                                                                        Unskilled worker: An employee who does not use
                  Sex ratio: The ratio of males to females in a population
                                                                        reasoning or intellectual abilities in their line of work
                  Skill India: A campaign launched by Prime Minister
                                                                        Urbanised: Made urban in character
                  Narendra Modi on 15 July 2015 which aims to train
                                                                        Utilisation:  The action of making practical and
                  over 40 crore people in India in diff erent skills by 2022
                                                                        eff ective use of something
                  Skilled worker: Any worker who has special skill,
                  training, knowledge and (usually acquired) ability in   V
                  their work
                                                                        Vocational training:  Training that emphasizes skills
                  Skills Ministry:  The ministry responsible for        and knowledge required for a particular job function
                  co-ordination of all skill development eff orts across   or a trade
                  the country, removal of disconnect between demand
                  and supply of skilled manpower, building the         W
                  vocational and technical training framework, skill    White collar: Relating to the work done or the
                  upgradation, building of new skills, and innovative   people who work in an offi  ce or other professional
                  thinking not only for existing jobs but also jobs that
                  are to be created
                                                                        Worthwhile: Of value or importance
                  Skill-set: A person’s range of skills or abilities
                  Socioeconomic: Relating to or concerned with the
                  interaction of social and economic factors

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