Page 236 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 236

29. ______________ reac  ons occur when the electricity is passed through the reactants.
                      30. The decomposi  on brought about by heat is called ______________ decomposi  on.
                      31.  Magnesium reacts with hot water, libera  ng ______________ and forming ___________________.
                      32.  ______________ is a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
                      33.  Hydrogen combines with carbon to form compounds called __________________.
                      34.  Hydrogen is used extensively in the produc  on of ____________ by Haber’s process.
                      35.  Hydrogen is used in the produc  on of ________________ which is a high temperature fl ame used
                           for cu   ng and welding of metals.
                      36.  ______________ maintains the level of water in the water table.
                      37.  The level of water under the ground is called ______________.
                      38.  ______________ is the simplest way of purifying water.
                      39.  ______________ refers to the amount of solute that dissolves in a par  cular solvent at a given
                           temperature to form a saturated solu  on.
                      40.  A ______________ is a heterogeneous solu  on which consists of solid par  cles having par  cle size
                           above 10,000 Angstrom.
                      41.  The compounds of carbon of biological origin are called ______________ compounds.
                      42.  The phenomenon of existence of an element in more than one form in the same physical state is
                           called ______________.
                      43.  ______________ charcoal is the purest form of carbon.
                      44.  ______________ is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons and some free carbon.
                      45.  ______________ is used to manufacture aerated drinks.

                 B.  State whether the given statements are true (T) or false (F).
                       1.  Ma  er exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas.
                       2. The par  cles of ma  er are closely packed in gases.
                       3.  Liquids tend to evaporate when le   exposed to air.
                       4.  Solids possess weak intermolecular forces.
                       5.  Mass of an element at the start of a chemical reac  on will be equal to the mass of the element at
                           the end of the chemical reac  on.
                       6.  We cannot obtain the original substance by reversing the ac  on in an irreversible change.
                       7.  Ripening of fruits is an undesirable change.
                       8.  Natural changes occur naturally on their own.
                       9.  During physical changes, new substances are formed.
                      10.  Boiling is a process by which a substance changes from the liquid state to the gaseous state when
                           heated to its boiling point.
                      11.  A pure substance has defi nite mel  ng and boiling points.
                      12. Filtra  on is used to separate bu  er from milk.
                      13. A separa  ng funnel can be used to separate a mixture of oil and water.
                      14.  We can separate the components of ink which is a mixture of diff erent dyes by frac  onal dis  lla  on.
                      15.  Chromatography is an eff ec  ve method to test the purity of a sample.
                      16.  A proton is an integral part of an atom.
                      17.  The isotopes of elements show diff erent chemical proper  es because they have same atomic
                      18.  Atoms can combine either by transferring electrons or by sharing electrons.

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