Page 238 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 238

15.  Discuss the technique of gravita  on.
                      16.  Discuss the ancient view on atomic structure.
                      17.  What is atomic number?
                      18.  What are isotopes?
                      19.  Why do atoms of elements combine or react?
                      20.  What is variable valency?
                      21.  Write the symbols of the following elements: carbon, bromine, nickel and potassium.
                      22.  Write the valency of the following elements: lithium, magnesium, boron and silicon.
                      23.  Name any four elements exhibi  ng variable valency.
                      24.  Write the formulae and valency of the following radicals: carbonate, nitrate, phosphate and acetate.
                      25.  What is a chemical equa  on?
                      26.  What happens when an iron nail is dropped in blue-coloured copper sulphate solu  on? Write the
                           chemical equa  on to represent the reac  on.
                      27.  How is an exothermic reac  on diff erent from an endothermic reac  on?
                      28.  What are electrochemical reac  ons?
                      29.  What is photodecomposi  on?
                      30.  What is precipita  on reac  on?
                      31.  What is ac  vity series of metals?
                      32.  How is hydrogen prepared from cold water?
                      33.  What is electrolysis?
                      34.  What happens when hydrogen combines with nitrogen?
                      35.  What are the tests for hydrogen?
                      36.  Write any four uses of water.
                      37. Diff eren  ate between surface water and groundwater.
                      38.  What is sedimenta  on?
                      39.  What is Tyndall eff ect?
                      40.  How is deliquescence diff erent from effl  orescence?
                      41.  Write about some useful carbon products.
                      42.  Discuss the occurrence of diamond.
                      43.  Discuss the structure of graphite
                      44.  Write the uses of buckminsterfullerene.
                      45.  How is wood charcoal diff erent from ac  vated charcoal?

                 D.  Answer in detail.
                       1.  What are the postulates of the kine  c molecular theory of ma  er?
                       2.  Explain the existence of states of ma  er based on the kine  c molecular theory of ma  er.
                       3.  Write the proper  es of solids.
                       4.  With the help of an ac  vity, observe the changes that occur when the ice melts.
                       5.  With the help of an example, explain the law of conserva  on of mass.
                       6.  Classify the changes taking place around us into diff erent categories.
                       7.  What is a physical change? Write the characteris  cs of a physical change.
                       8.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that mel  ng of ice is a physical change.
                       9.  What is evapora  on? How is the rate of evapora  on aff ected by various factors?
                      10.  Write a note on changes involving energy changes.
                      11.  Write the characteris  cs of mixtures. Diff eren  ate between homogeneous mixtures and
                           heterogeneous mixtures.

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