Page 239 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 239

12.  Discuss the technique of fi ltra  on.
                      13.  Discuss the technique of dis  lla  on with the help of a well-labelled diagram.
                      14.  With the help of an ac  vity, show how a mixture of kerosene and water can be separated.
                      15.  What is paper chromatography? Discuss the advantages of paper chromatography.
                      16.  Write the postulates of Dalton’s atomic theory.
                      17.  Discuss the experiment conducted by J.J. Thomson.
                      18.  Write the characteris  cs of cathode rays and anode rays.
                      19.  Write a note on structural stability of an atom.
                      20.  Discuss the forma  on of electroposi  ve ions and electronega  ve ions.
                      21.  List the rules for representa  on of elements.
                      22.  How is the chemical formula of a compound derived?
                      23.  Show how the chemical formula is derived for the following compounds: water, carbon dioxide,
                           calcium hydroxide and sodium carbonate.
                      24.  Discuss how chemical equa  ons are derived from word equa  ons.
                      25.  Balance the chemical equa  on that represents the reac  on between magnesium and oxygen to
                           form magnesium oxide.
                      26.  Write the characteris  cs of a chemical reac  on.
                      27.  Write the condi  ons necessary for chemical reac  ons.
                      28. Diff eren  ate between catalyst and enzyme.
                      29.  Write a note on combina  on reac  ons.
                      30.  What is the importance of neutralisa  on reac  ons in our daily life?
                      31.  Discuss the occurrence of hydrogen.
                      32.  Discuss the discovery of hydrogen.
                      33.  Discuss the prepara  on of hydrogen by the ac  on of water on metals.
                      34.  Discuss the prepara  on of hydrogen by the ac  on of dilute acids on metals.
                      35.  Write a note on the laboratory prepara  on of hydrogen.
                      36.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that rainwater does not contain any dissolved impuri  es but well
                           water contains them.
                      37.  Discuss the purifi ca  on of water by dis  lla  on.
                      38.  Discuss the physical proper  es of water.
                      39.  Discuss the dissolu  on of salts in water.
                      40.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that copper sulphate crystals contain water of crystallisa  on.
                      41.  Write the chemical proper  es of carbon.
                      42.  Write the proper  es and uses of diamond.
                      43.  Write the proper  es and uses of graphite.
                      44.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that charcoal is a good reducing agent.
                      45.  Discuss the prepara  on of carbon dioxide.

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