Page 235 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 235


                                                     ASSESSMENT SHEET 1

                 A.  Fill in the blanks.
                       1.  ______________ have no fi xed shape or volume.
                       2. The par  cles of ma  er are separated by _____________________.
                       3.  The state of ma  er is decided on the basis of _____________________ and interpar  cle spaces
                           between the par  cles of ma  er.
                       4. Kine  c Molecular Theory explains the ______________ of ma  er in diff erent states.
                       5.  The total mass during a chemical reac  on remains ______________.
                       6.  Changes that occur a  er a regular interval of   me are called ____________________.
                       7.  ______________ changes are benefi cial to us.
                       8.  A physical change is ______________ and ______________.
                       9.  ______________ is a process by which a substance changes from the liquid state to the solid state
                           on cooling.
                      10.  The process of forma  on of rust on the iron surface is called ______________ of iron.
                      11.  A ______________ is a substance that has a fi xed composi  on and fi xed chemical proper  es.
                      12. The cons  tuents of a mixture are not present in a ______________ ra  o.
                      13.  A ______________ is a type of mixture in which a component is not dissolved completely into
                           another component is called a ______________.
                      14.  A type of mixture consis  ng of two or more immiscible liquids is called an ______________.
                      15.  The method of separa  ng components of a mixture using wind or moving air is called ______________.
                      16.  ______________ are the building blocks of ma  er and cannot be chemically subdivided by ordinary
                      17.  The number of protons present inside the nucleus of an atom of an element is called its
                      18.  Atoms of the same element having same atomic number but diff erent mass number are known as
                      19.  The outermost shell of an atom is called ______________.
                      20.  The elements showing more than one valency are said to have ______________.
                      21.  An _________ is a charged par  cle which is formed when an atom or a group of atoms gains or loses
                      22.  A molecule of a compound is represented using a ___________________.
                      23.  A ______________ consists of reactants and products.
                      24.  The ______________ states that atoms of the reac  ng molecules involved in a chemical reac  on do
                           not change.
                      25.  ______________ is a chemical reac  on that occurs in green plants in the presence of light.
                      26.  Substances that take part in a chemical reac  on are called ______________.
                      27.  When zinc granules are added to dilute sulphuric acid, ______________ is evolved as a brisk
                           eff ervescence.
                      28.  The chemical reac  on in which heat energy is evolved is called ______________.

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