Page 258 - ICSE Math 7
P. 258

Example 11:  The number of students in six different classes are given. Represent the data on a bar

                                           Classes             V         VI        VII       VIII       IX        X

                                    Number of students        135        120       95        100        90        80

                                  (a)  How would you choose a scale?
                                  (b)  Which classes have the maximum and minimum number of students?

                                  (c)  Find the ratio of students of class VI to the students of class VIII.
                    Solution:     (a)  Choose a suitable scale as follows:

                                      Start the scale at 0. The greatest value in the data is 135. So, end the scale at a value
                                      greater than 135, say 140. Use equal divisions along the vertical axis to choose a
                                      scale such that the length between 0 and 140 is neither too long nor too small. Let’s
                                      take 1 unit to represent 20 students.

                                                              Number of students in each class

                                                                                 Scale on Y-axis: 1 unit = 20 students


                                         Number of students  →  80




                                            0                                                                      X
                                                     V          VI        VII       VIII       IX         X

                                  (b)  Clearly Class V has maximum number of students and Class X has minimum
                                      number of students.
                                  (c)  Ratio of students of class VI to the students of class VIII is 120 : 100, i.e., 6 : 5.

                    Multiple bar graphs

                    A single bar graph uses one bar for each value to represent the data. A multiple bar graph gives
                    information of more than one type side by side.

                    Example 12: Study the multiple bar graph of the top five medal winning countries in a Commonwealth
                                  Games. The three adjacent bars corresponding to each country represent the number of
                                  medals of each type won.

   253   254   255   256   257   258   259   260   261   262   263