Page 256 - ICSE Math 7
P. 256

(i)  Mean:

                                             x              f             fx

                                             1              1             1

                                             2             12             24            Mean =   Σ fx  = =  68   = 2.72
                                             3              6             18                     Σ f    25
                                             4              5             20

                                             5              1             5
                                                           25             68

                                                                                                    n + 1
                                  (ii)  Median: Since n = 25 is odd, therefore median is the value of   2  th term, when
                                      the data is arranged in ascending order.

                                        1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,  2 , 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5
                                            n + 1    26
                                        Now        =    = 13th term
                                              2      2
                                       ∴ Median = 2
                                  (iii)  Mode: Since the highest frequency 12 corresponds to 2 chapattis. Therefore, the
                                       mode is 2.
                                        Now,  let’s  find  the  significance  of  each  of  the  central  tendencies  in  the  above
                                       situation. The mode of the data is 2 chapattis. If mode is used as the representative
                                       value, then we need 50 chapattis, i.e., 2 each for 25 students. In this case almost
                                       half of the students will remain hungry. The value of median is also 2, therefore
                                       the same argument stands for median also. Moreover, mode and median are not
                                       affected by extreme values, hence they are not useful in finding the total number of
                                       chapattis required. The value of arithmetic mean is 2.72 which helps us to find the
                                       total chapattis, i.e., 2.72 × 25 = 68. Thus, mean is the appropriate representative

                                                             EXERCISE 22.1

                      1.  The marks scored by 11 students in a Mathematics test are as follows:
                         34, 37, 30, 38, 50, 34, 34, 38, 36, 45, 31
                         Find the value of: (a) range      (b) arithmetic mean      (c) median      (d) mode
                      2.  The rainfall ‘in mm’ in a city over 7 days of a certain week is recorded as follows:

                            Day       Monday      Tuesday     Wednesday Thursday        Friday     Saturday    Sunday

                          Rainfall       3.5         8.2          0.0         20.5        7.3         1.0        5.0

                         (a)  Find the range of the amount of rainfall from the above data.

                         (b)  Find the mean rainfall for the week.
                         (c)  For how many days was the rainfall more than the average?

   251   252   253   254   255   256   257   258   259   260   261