Page 134 - ICSE Math 5
P. 134

Example 1:  List any four symmetrical objects.
                    Solution:     A pair of scissors, spectacles, blackboard/whiteboard and an apple.

                    Example 2:  For the given figure, which one is the mirror line, AB or CD?                   C
                    Solution:     The given figure is symmetrical about the line CD since it is the
                                                                                                         A             B
                                  mirror line that divides the figure into two similar halves.

                    Example 3:  Check whether the given figures are symmetrical or not. If the
                                  figures are symmetrical, draw the line(s) of symmetry.
                                  (a)                         (b)                            (c)

                                  (d)                          (e)                           (f)

                    Solution:     Figures (a), (b), (d) and (f) are symmetrical while figures (c) and (e) are not

                                  (a)                 (b)                    (d)                  (f)

                    Example 4:  Complete the following figures to create 2D symmetrical shapes.

                                  (a)                                        (b)

                                  (c)                                        (d)

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