Page 137 - ICSE Math 5
P. 137

Half turn
                    A half turn refers to a rotation of 180°.

                    Look at the given shape.

                                                   Put a dot on top of the shape and give it a half turn.

                    With the help of the dot, we can see that the shape forms an angle of 180° and                 180°
                    looks the same after a half turn. Thus, it shows rotational symmetry.

                    Some other shapes that show rotational symmetry after a half turn are shown below.

                    Some shapes that look different after a half turn are given below.

                    Full turn
                    A full turn refers to a rotation of 360°.

                    Look at the given shape.

                    Put a dot on top of the shape and give it a full turn as shown.

                    With the help of the dot, we can see that the shape forms an angle of 360° and looks exactly the
                    same after a full turn. Thus, it shows rotational symmetry.

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