Page 141 - ICSE Math 5
P. 141

Most animals also exhibit mirror symmetry. Some examples of such animals are shown below.

                    Symmetry in Buildings and Monuments

                    Most buildings and monuments exhibit symmetry. Look at
                                                                                                 Top Tip
                    the pictures of the monuments shown below.
                                                                                         Taj Mahal is famous for its
                                                                                       symmetry as well as geometric
                                                                                         patterns. The monument is
                                                                                        identical on either side of the
                                                                                      plane of symmetry. It also shows
                                                                                       symmetry along the water line
                                                                                           showing reflection in
                                                                                                the water.

                    In these structures, the plane of symmetry divides the structure into two equal halves where the
                    left and right halves are the mirror images of each other.

                               Exercise 9.3

                      1.  Draw the plane(s) of symmetry for the following figures, if any.
                            (a)             (b)                              (c)                  (d)

                      2.  Select the figures that are symmetrical about the plane drawn.

                            (a)                             (b)                              (c)

                           (d)                              (e)                              (f)

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