Page 131 - ICSE Math 5
P. 131

To measure an angle using a protractor, we follow the given steps.
                     •  Keep the centre point of the protractor on the                                      P
                          vertex of the angle.

                     •  Adjust the protractor in such a way that the
                          baseline of the protractor is along one arm of
                          the angle, without disturbing the position of
                          the vertex.
                     •  Look at the scale where the baseline arm points                         Q
                          to 0°, i.e., right or left of the vertex. In this case,
                          the baseline QR is towards right. So, we read                        Top Tip
                          the inner scale which starts from 0°.
                                                                                  •   If the baseline is to the right of the
                     •  Move along the inner scale starting from point              vertex, we read the inner scale.
                          R till you reach point P. Read the marking at           •   If the baseline is to the left of the
                          point P as indicated by the other arm QP. It              vertex, we read the outer scale.
                          reads 60°.
                         Thus, PQR = 60° (acute angle).

                    Now let’s learn to construct different angles using a protractor. For example, to construct an
                    angle of 70°, we follow the given steps.

                    Step 1:  Draw a ray YZ of some length with the help
                             of a ruler.                                                Y                     Z
                    Step 2:  Keep the centre of the protractor at vertex
                             Y so that the baseline coincides with YZ .

                    Step 3:  Now read the value on the inner scale of
                             the protractor where it points 70°. Mark it
                             with a dot as point X.

                    Step 4:  Remove the protractor and join point X with
                             point Y.                                                             6
                             Hence, XYZ = 70°

                                                                                              5        1cm2  X

                                                                                          4      5  4  3

                                                                                      3         6
                                                                                                Y                     Z

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