Page 126 - ICSE Math 5
P. 126

Progress Worksheet

                     Mental Maths

                      1.  Consider the given number line and answer the following.

                                        E       D              G     A           C        B        F
                            (a)  If letter A represents 0, then which letter represents –2?

                           (b)  What does letter C represent: a negative integer or a positive integer?
                            (c)  Write the integers represented by letters D and F.

                           (d)  Which letter on the given number line has the smallest value?
                      2.  Write True or False for the following statements. Also, correct the false statements.

                            (a)  On a number line, 0 is to the right of –6.
                           (b)  On a number line, +8 is to the right of +5.

                            (c)  The greatest negative integer is –2.
                           (d)  An integer that is neither positive nor negative is 1.

                      3.  Select the correct answer.

                            (a)  Which is the greatest negative integer lying between –6 and 3?
                                 (i) –5                 (ii) 2               (iii) –1                (iv) –4
                           (b)  What is the sum of the integers –5 and 5?

                                 (i) 1                  (ii) 0               (iii) –1                (iv) +10
                            (c)  Which integer is greater than –2?

                                 (i) –1                 (ii) –3              (iii) –4                (iv) –5
                           (d)  Which integer is the smallest among: –5, –2, –10 and –15?

                                 (i) –10                (ii) –2              (iii) –5                (iv) –15

                     Solve and Answer

                      4.  Write the predecessor and successor of each of the following integers.
                            (a) –7                 (b) –6                  (c) 8                  (d) –4

                      5.  Represent –7, –4, 0, 5 and 8 on a number line.

                      6.  Draw a number line and answer the following questions.

                            (a)  Which number lies 7 steps to the right of –4?
                           (b)  Which number lies 8 steps to the left of +3?
                            (c)  In which direction should we move to reach –7 from – 3?

                      7.  Arrange –15, 16, 0, –13 and –98 in ascending order.

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