Page 124 - ICSE Math 5
P. 124

(d)  Which letter on the given number line represents the smallest value?
                            (e)  Arrange all the given letters in ascending order of the values they represent.

                            (f)  Which letter is opposite to E on the number line?
                      3.  Write the temperature of the given places in the form of integers using appropriate
                           signs in the space provided.

                                  Place                        Temperature                      Integer
                                  Ahmedabad                    30°C above 0°C                   ________
                                  Shimla                       3°C below 0°C                    ________
                                  Bengaluru                    26°C above 0°C                   ________

                                  Srinagar                     5°C below 0°C                    ________
                                  Delhi                        35°C above 0°C                   ________

                          The following number line represents the temperature of different places in degree
                           Celsius (°C).

                                      –25  –20  –15  –10  –5   0   5   10 15  20 25 30 35  40
                          Represent the name of the place on the number line against its temperature.

                      4.  Write the predecessor and successor of each of the following integers.
                            (a) –2                 (b) –5                  (c) 8                  (d) –1

                      5.  Write True or False for the following statements. Also, correct the false statement.
                            (a)  On a number line, 0 is to the right of 4.

                           (b)  On a number line, +10 is to the right of –5.
                            (c)  The greatest negative integer is –1.
                           (d)  An integer that is neither positive nor negative is 0.

                            (e)  Negative numbers are usually written using a ‘+’ sign before the number.
                      6.  Select the correct answer.

                            (a)  The greatest negative integer lying between –7 and 4 is ________.
                                 (i) 4                  (ii) 3               (iii) –1                (iv) –6
                           (b)  The sum of –1 and 1 is ________.
                                 (i) 1                  (ii) 0               (iii) –1                (iv) 904

                            (c)  An integer which is neither positive nor negative is ________.
                                 (i) –1                 (ii) 0               (iii) 1                 (iv) 2
                           (d)  Which integer is the greatest among –5, –2, –10 and +15?
                                 (i) –10                (ii) –2              (iii) –5                (iv) +15

                      7.  Draw a number line and answer the following.
                            (a)  Which number is reached if we move 8 steps to the right of –8?

                           (b)  Which number is reached if we move 5 steps to the left of +2?
                            (c)  In which direction should we move to reach –3 from –1?

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