Page 123 - ICSE Math 5
P. 123

Example 18:  Subtract (–3) from (–5).
                    Solution:     (–5) – (–3) = ? (Here, the subtrahend = –5 and the minuend = –3.)
                                  Move 5 steps to the left of 0 to reach –5. Since the minuend is a negative integer,
                                  start from –5 and move 3 steps to the right of –5 to reach –2.

                                    –10  –9 –8  –7  –6 –5  –4  –3 –2 –1  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

                                  So, (–5) – (–3) = –2.

                    Subtraction of Integers without Using a Number Line

                    To subtract integers without using a number line, we follow the given steps.
                     •  Keep the sign of the subtrahend or the first integer as it is.

                     •  Change the sign of the minuend or the second integer. For example, if the minuend or
                          second integer is positive, change it to negative and vice versa.
                    Example 19:  Subtract the following integers (a) 7 from 6 and (b) –19 from –11.
                    Solution:     (a)  7 from 6                            (b)  –19 from –11

                                       6 – (+7) = 6 – 7 = –1                    –11 – (–19) = –11 + 19 = 8

                               Exercise 8.4

                      1.  Subtract the following integers using a number line.

                            (a)  5 from –8         (b)  9 from 10          (c)  –6 from 0         (d)  –6 from –8
                      2.  Subtract the following integers without using a number line.

                            (a)  20 from 40        (b)  –17 from 23        (c)  –4 from –7        (d)  7 from –14

                      3.  Find the following.
                            (a)  (–5) – (+6)       (b)  40 – (–30)         (c)  67 – (+17)        (d)  –54 – (–45)

                            Review Exercise

                      1.  Represent –10, –8, 0, 4 and 6 on a number line.

                      2.  Look at the given number line representing integers and answer the following questions.
                                    E              D                 A      C                  B      F

                            (a)  If letter A represents 0, then which letter represents –5?

                           (b)  What does letter B represent: a negative integer or a positive integer?
                            (c)  Write the integers represented by letters C and E.

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