Page 130 - ICSE Math 5
P. 130

Straight angle

                    An angle that measures 180° is called a straight angle. Some examples of straight angles that we
                    see in our surroundings are shown below.

                                        0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15

                    Measure of an Angle

                    The measure of an angle means the amount of rotation between its two arms. It increases
                    or decreases depending on the increase or decrease in the gap between its two arms. Let's
                    consider an example of a hand fan to see how it rotates about its vertex through different

                           A closed
                           hand fan

                    Observe that the space or the region between the two arms of the hand fan slowly
                    increases on opening the fan. In other words, the measure of the angle increases as the gap
                    between the two arms of the hand fan increases and vice versa. However, if we increase
                    or decrease the size or length of the arms of the fan, the measure of the angle will not
                    As there are standard units used for measuring length, weight, time, etc., similarly, degree is the
                    standard unit used for measuring angles. The symbol for degree is ‘ ° ’ . It is written after the
                    number in superscript, for example, 1° and it is read as 1 degree.

                    Measuring an Angle with a Protractor

                    Angles are measured in degrees with the help of
                    an instrument called protractor. Look at the figure      scale
                    of the protractor given alongside. It is typically                                             Outer
                    a flat semicircle or a half circle with two sets of                                            scale
                    numbers marked in opposite directions along its
                    curved edge. The two sets of numbers written on
                    it are called scales. There is an inner and an outer            Base                  Centre
                    scale marked on the protractor for measuring                    line                   point
                    angles from 0° to 180°.

                     •  The inner scale of the protractor is marked from 0° to 180° in an anticlockwise direction.
                     •  The outer scale of the protractor is marked from 0° to 180° in a clockwise direction.

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