Page 60 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 60

Mukul said in a hushed voice, ‘Hey Tony, see they’ve kept their tools beside

                    that bush. Let’s hide them away.’

                    ‘Yes! That’s a wonderful idea,’ whispered Mukul.

                    After the discussion the men came back to get their tools. But there was


                    ‘Oh! where is my axe?’ shouted one.

                    ‘Who took the saw from here?’ asked another.

                    ‘G . . . g . . . ghosts!’ said a third one in a shivering voice.

                    ‘Shut up you fools and search for the axes!’ shouted their leader.

                    They found no trace of their tools and decided to come back the next day.

                    Mukul and Tony found their way home the next morning. They told their
                    parents about the events of the previous night. The people of Kantar were
                    alarmed and outraged to hear about the wicked smugglers. It became clear

                    to them why there had been a disastrous landslip in the valley the previous

                    The men came back to the woods with new tools that night. But before they

                    could begin their job, people of the town surrounded them.

                    ‘You cannot cut these trees. They belong to all the people of the valley.’

                    ‘Who are you to say that? We earn our livelihood by selling wood,’ said one
                    of the men.

                    Mr Narayan, a well-known journalist of Kantar, said, ‘Do you know what
                    will happen if you cut down trees? These trees keep our air clean, bring

                     hushed : quiet                                      landslip : a large mass of earth and

                     shivering : shaking with fear                              rocks sliding down a slope
                     alarmed : shocked                                   valley : a lowland area between

                     outraged : angry and shocked                               hills or mountains

                     wicked : evil                                       journalist : a person who writes for
                     smugglers : people who take away
                            things illegally from one

                            place to another
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