Page 59 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 59

Tony said, ‘We can’t hope to get home tonight. Let’s climb a tree and spend

                    the night there.’ Mukul agreed, and soon they were sitting on a thick branch
                    of a tree.

                    ‘Let’s pray to God that the elves and fairies of the woods protect us,’ said


                    The boys soon dozed off. Late in the night they were awakened by loud noises
                    of metals clashing and banging mixed with people’s voices.

                    ‘Mukul, we’re saved! It must be mum and dad with the police. Let’s get down.’

                    As they approached the source of the sound, they found it was not their
                    parents, but men carrying lanterns, axes, saws and a bag of other tools. They
                    were arguing about which trees they should cut.

                    Tony and Mukul were
                    shocked to see this. They
                    knew how dangerous it
                    was to cut trees. They

                    remembered what they had
                    learnt about  deforestation
                    and  climate change from

                    their books.

                    ‘Mukul, we can’t allow this.
                    We must stop them,’ Tony

                    ‘Wait,      they      look       so
                    dangerous. Let’s see what
                    they are up to,’ said Mukul.

                    The boys hid behind a bush and observed the men. Now they had huddled
                    together to discuss something.

                     elves : (plural of elf) little creatures            deforestation : destruction of
                            with human form and                                 forests by cutting trees
                            pointed ears in children’s                   climate change : change of weather
                            stories                                             pattern in a place

                     dozed off  : fell asleep                            huddled : crowded together

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