Page 58 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 58

8             Adventure in the Woods

                    Mukul and Tony lived in the beautiful hillside town of Kantar. On the edge
                    of the town was a thick forest where many animals lived. Every evening
                    after school Mukul and Tony would go to play with their friends in the field

                    near the woods. They greatly enjoyed themselves running in the green field,
                    throwing stones into the brook and shouting back to the chirping sparrows.

                    One evening the two friends were so busy at play that they didn’t notice it
                    was getting dark. They had run too far from the town towards the woods.

                    All other children had gone home. Mukul and Tony were lost in the woods!

                    The boys knew there were wild animals in the woods. They held each other’s
                    hand and walked in terror.

                     woods : an area of land covered                     chirping : making short, sharp,
                            with trees                                          high-pitched sounds

                     brook : a small stream
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