Page 57 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 57

5.  I was born in Mysore.

                           6.  Boil water. Add tea leaves. Keep boiling on low flame. Now add

                                sugar and milk. Your tea is ready to serve.

                           7.  Go straight, turn right after the post office. You will see a yellow
                                building. The school is on the right of the building.

                           8.  No, the English exam is on Wednesday.

                           9.  I drive to office every day.

                         10.  Yes, he is John’s brother.

                         11.  Vishnu is currently located in Bengaluru.

                         12.  I like lilies the most.

                   E           Writing

                    Have you ever met a famous person? Imagine a famous cricketer visiting

                    your home. What will you do to receive him? What questions will you ask
                    him? Write a paragraph in your notebook.

                   F           Activity

                    Think about the way in which the stationmaster treated Dr Rajendra Prasad.
                    Would the stationmaster have treated him well if he had known that the
                    person in front of him was the real Rajendra Prasad? Do you think people
                    get treated differently according to their social status? Ask your parents and

                    teachers and find out more. Present your findings in class.

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