Page 41 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 41

I ran away from Wolf,

                           And I’ll run away from Bear,

                           This minute I will!’

                    And off it rolled away.

                    By and by, it met a Fox coming towards it.

                    ‘Hullo, Little Round Bun!’ called the Fox.

                    ‘How round and brown and rosy you are!’

                    Little Round Bun was very pleased at Foxy Fox’s praise and it stopped and
                    began to sing:

                           ‘I was taken from the flour-box

                           And baked in the oven,

                           And cooled on the sill.

                           I ran away from Grandpa,

                           I ran away from Grandma,

                           I ran away from Rabbit,

                           I ran away from Wolf,

                           I ran away from Bear,

                           And I’ll run away from Fox,

                           This minute I will!’

                    And it was about to roll on when the cunning Foxy Fox said, ‘Oh, what a pretty

                    little song! But I’m afraid I don’t hear very well. Do hop on to my nose and
                    please sing again.’

                    Little Round Bun jumped on to the tip of Foxy Fox’s nose and sang its song

                     tip : the thin pointed end of something
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